Snapchatting Can Lead To Car Crashes

Distracted Driving
Snapchatting Can Lead To Car Crashes

There have been numerous instances of teenagers using social media while driving. A 17-year old from Washington rolled her car while she used Snapchat behind the wheel. A young Brazilian girl took selfies of herself on Snapchat before she got in a wreck going 110 miles per hour. One Snapchat user from Manchester, England got…

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How Snapchat Got Its Distracted Driving Liability Case Dismissed

Distracted Driving
How Snapchat Got Its Distracted Driving Liability Case Dismissed

Last year, Snapchat – the live social media sharing app that promotes itself with the tagline, “Life’s more fun when you live in the moment!” – joined the ranks of technology companies being sued for distracted driving accidents. Last month, it also joined the ranks of technology companies found not liable for distracted drivers’ mistakes….

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