Does Not Wearing a Seatbelt Affect an Insurance Claim?

Categories: Car Accidents

Car accidents are unfortunate events that can lead to physical injuries, property damage, and significant financial consequences. If you’ve been involved in a collision, you may wonder whether not wearing your seatbelt could negatively impact your potential car accident claim. The short answer is yes. If you weren’t wearing a seatbelt during your accident, your…

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Can I Bring Both a Personal Injury Case and a Workers’ Compensation Case When I Have Been Injured on the Job?

Categories: Personal Injury Law

You may have been told that you aren’t allowed to sue your employer for work-related injuries; instead, you must file a workers’ compensation claim. While this may be true, generally speaking, there are some situations where you are allowed to pursue both a worker’s compensation claim and a personal injury claim. The reason for this…

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